
Alerts are used to attract user's attention for important information without interrupting the user's flow.

Example of Alert

Alerts are available in 8 types- primary alert, secondary alert, success alert, danger alert, warning alert, info alert, light alert, dark alert

To use this alert just use class name alert-boxand also add class according to alert type- alert-primary, alert-secondary, alert-success, alert-danger, alert-warning, alert-info, alert-light, alert-dark( For e.g class="alert-box alert-primary")

You can copy html part from below code snippet.

A primary alert example with a text link
A secondary alert example!!!!
A success alert example: order placed
A danger alert example: Are you sure you want to delete the account permanently?
A warning alert example: Fill all the fields before submitting
A info alert example: Updates are comming soon
A light alert example: We have the following list
A dark alert example: We have the following list


Avatar can be used to show user's profile picture on profile information page, on navigation bar, in blogs grid items.

Example of Avatar

Avatar is available in 5 different sizes. You can use image in Avatar. You need to include class avatar and for size add class according to size avatar xl-size, avatar l-size, avatar m-size, avatar s-size, avatar xs-size(For e.g. class="avatar avatar-xl-size")

avatar avatar avatar avatar avatar


Badges are being used to display a notification count or status information

Example of online status Badge

We have 3 types of status badges that can be integrated with Avatars. You can show colors to show the online status of user

Check code below to copy the html part as follow below.


Example of icon badge

We have some icon that can be used to show update or notification



Buttons are also called as call to action. We have range of buttons and their states. You may use button element, you need to add respective classes, and you are good to go.

Example of Solid Button Styles

Whenever you want your user to have CTA (call to action) on a link or button, use primary style buttons.

As you want to use success button, then use the class accordingly. (For e.g class="btn solid-success"

Check code below to copy the html part as follow below.

Example of Outline Button Styles

you may also use outline button for CTA as per the required design.

Example of Link, Icon and floating button

Whenever you want your user to click on a link, icon or floating button, you may also.


Card are used to show user related data, like coupon & product details.

Example of Cards with badges

Cards with badges can be use as a coupon in E-commerce website.

Check code below to copy the html part as follow below.


85% OFF



Example of Cards with dismiss

Cards with badges dismiss button can be use as per the UI requirements.


85% OFF



Example of cards with text overlay

Card's image may have a margin or it can be full-bleed. By default card's images are full-bleed. If you want image to have margin, Copy below code and put your desired text and image and you are good to go.

card image


Sports shoes for men

Price: 1199
MRP: 3999
Review: (17)

Example of text only card

Card's image may have a margin or it can be full-bleed. By default card's images are full-bleed. If you want image to have margin, Copy below code and put your desired text and image and you are good to go.



ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Iusto odit optio tempora molestias nihil consectetur sit at labore hic, reiciendis laboriosam blanditiis tenetur a quibusdam cumque provident quis? Dignissimos, itaque!

Example of Vertical Card

Card's image may have a margin or it can be full-bleed. By default card's images are full-bleed. If you want image to have margin, Copy below code and put your desired text and image and you are good to go.

card image

Sports shoes for men

Price: 1199
MRP: 3999
Review: (17)

card image

Sports shoes for men

Price: 1199
MRP: 3999
Review: (17)

Example of Horizontal Card

Card's image may have a margin or it can be full-bleed. By default card's images are full-bleed. If you want image to have margin, Copy below code and put your desired text and image and you are good to go.

card image

Sports shoes for men

Price: 1199
MRP: 3999
Review: (17)

card image

Sports shoes for men

Price: 1199
MRP: 3999
Review: (17)


Images can be responsive to fit the parent's width, and also can be customised to be round shaped

Example of Responsive Image

It's height will get adjusted by keeping the aspect ratio same. If you want to change the aspect ratio, you will have to crop the image.


Example of round Image

It's height will get adjusted by keeping the aspect ratio same.


Input Components

There are form fields listed below and form validation is also styled.

Example of Active form fields

Give textual form controls

Sign up

Sign up



Text Utilities

Check out below text utilities.

Example of Heading text

For heading you can use h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 elements. The same font-styling is present for class names h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 class. You can add one of these classes to style the text.

I'm heading 1

I'm heading 2

I'm heading 3

I'm heading 4

I'm heading 5
I'm heading 6

small text

small text are required in product card, and in other component. you may use it as required

Example of small text

Example of small text

Example of small text

Example of small text

Example of small text

Example of small text

Gray text

Here are some of the example of gray text in different style

Example of gray text

Example of gray text

Example of gray text

Example of gray text

Example of gray text

Example of gray text

Center text

Here are some of the example of center text in different style

Example of center text

Example of center text

Example of center text

Example of center text

Example of center text

Example of center text


Lists can be used at so many places, navigation bar, stacked notifications, article pages, etc.

Example of Unordered List

Add class according to bullet style. Copy html code below and add your desired list items. As circle type use the class style-type-circle, for filled circle type use style-type-disc and for square type use style-type-square

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example of Ordered List

Add class according to bullet style. Copy html code below and add your desired list items.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3
  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example of Ordered List with no bullets

Add class according to bullet style. Copy html code below and add your desired list items.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example of List with inline items

Add class according to bullet style. Copy html code below and add your desired list items.

  • List item 1
  • List item 2
  • List item 3

Example of Notification Stacked List

This is stacked list without bullets. We can add desired component inside li element. Check below code for cards in stacked list.


Navigation bar is used to navigate through the web apps or websites. This navigation component is responsive. It is a hamburger menu in medium and small devices

Example of Navigation

Navigation is broken in 4 parts:


Modals are positioned over everything else in the document and remove scroll from the page. It gets closed only with close button on modal pop-up.

Example of Modal


Rating components can be used as read-only badge or in reviews section. Can be used in reviews section

Example of read-only ratings

Add checked class with fa fa-star to increase number of star


This component can be used for toast or snackbar component. Toast is mostly used to show feedback message. Snackbar is to used show message that need user action

Example of Toast

Use the classtoast-success or toast-erroror toast-info as per the requirement


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Use grid when you want sections in view. Check below some examples of side by side cards.

Example of side by side layout

Use the class grid-simplified in the parent div element, follow the code below


Combo Packs

Starting At Rs.2799


Two items in a grid

Use two item in a grid when you want sections in view.

Example of two item layout

Use the class grid-two-items in the parent div element, follow the code below

Item 1

Item 2

Three items in a grid

Use two item in a grid when you want sections in view.

Example of three item layout

Use the class grid-three-items in the parent div element, follow the code below

Item 1

Item 2

Item 3